Bishop Benson Idahosa Introduced Me To Healthcare Database Solutions - Ladi Leo David Waters

The Managing Director of LDWATS Limited, Mr. Ladi Leo David Waters has told HealthNewsNG his project in the health sector was as a product of his relationship with the late Bishop Benson Idahosa. 

In an exclusive interview, the expert who has more than 15 years of experience in cross-platform experience in high-level systems administration, business/systems analysis, designing, installing, maintaining, said the late bishop opened his eyes to healthcare solutions.

"I have been building database solutions for different industries over the years. But directly relatng the the healthcare segment, it was my relationship with Bishop Benson Idahosa (before he passed away in 1998), that opened my mind towards my first built-for-healthcare-solution. He asked me to build a Hospital Management System for his Faith Clinic in Benin at that time, which I did," Waters said.

He said the solution was in the area of general healthcare management

"From when patients walk through the door, register their BioData (or retrieve existing BioData records), capture doctor's notes on patients, record patients' medicinal disbursements, record patients' payment, print receipts for payment," he said.

While he's not sure whether the hospital is still using the solution, he said the experience spurred him to produce a medical laboratory solution for a Lagos-based company in 2010.

Concerning the Med-Lab Diagnostic System (MLDS), he said it was designed for medical practitioners that require IT-driven reference for laboratory and other diagnostic information.

"The MLDS database solution is designed for medical practitioners requiring complete IT-driven reference for clinical lab and diagnostic information. MLDS is available on an easy-to-use Microsoft Windows-based platform, adding portability to its comprehensive information. With MLDS, one can rapidly obtain detailed descriptions of diagnostic tests and procedure and benefit from information on the background and context of laboratory tests.

He added that the software is already being used and more laboratories are aware of its existence.

"Just before the 48th Annual Conference of AMLSN, the Chairman of AMLSN Lagos State (Mr. Olawale Oladubu Ebenezer), invited me to be available to make a presentation of MLDS to its members during the conference. He happened to be familiar with the Lab that I'd initially built the program for in 2010," Waters told HealthNewsNG.


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