To Prevent Ageing, Use Sunscreen - New Study Recommends

A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine has shown that daily usage of sunscreen helps in the prevention of ageing. According to the researchers, in addition to previously studied roles of sunscreen in the prevention of cancer and painful sunburns, daily application of sunscreen can boost vanity.

In the research carried out in Australia, the scientists were able to quantify the anti-aging properties of sunscreen. 

They enlisted 900 voluntary participants and studied them over a period of 4 years. 

"Some were told to use sunscreen daily and instructed in proper use, including re-applying sunscreen after being outside for a few hours, after going in the water or after sweating heavily. Other participants were given no directions with regard to using sunscreen -- it was considered unethical to ask them to not use it," CNN reported.

Changes in the skin were observed using a technique called microtopography. In microtopography, sensitive silicone impressions were made at the back of each participant's hand.

"Skin surface patterns reflect the severity of the sun's damage to the deeper skin, especially to the elastic fibers and collagen," says Dr. Adele Green, the study's lead investigator.

"Damage was measured on a scale from 1 to 6, with 1 signifying no damage and 6 meaning skin with severe aging. Participants were given a score at the start of a four-year period and another score at the end; those who used sunscreen daily were 24% less likely to show increased signs of aging, researchers found," CNN stated.

The study is the first scientific evidence to back the assumption that sunscreen has cosmetic values and the researchers advised young and mid-aged adults to regularly use sunscreen.

"Regular sunscreen use by young and mid-aged adults under 55 brings cosmetic benefits and also decreases the risk of skin cancer," the reported.


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