7 in 10 Nigerians have had malaria in past one year - poll

Poll released by NOI Polls Limited revealed that almost 7 in 10 Nigerians (66%) have had malaria at least once in the past year, and about 13% treat the ailment with the use of local herbs such as Agbo, Dogonyaro, Neem leaves etc. 

Also, the majority of respondents (90%) agree that HIV/AIDS is a critical health challenge in Nigeria; while suggesting better media and sensitization programs to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS amongst the populace. These are three key findings from the HIV/AIDS and Malaria Snap poll conducted in the week of April 8th 2013. This poll is third in the NOI Polls MDG (Millennium Development Goals) series. Previous topics covered under this series have focused on Rape (Gender equality) and Water & Sanitation (Environment & resources).

Respondents to the poll were asked a total of six questions. The first question sought to establish the frequency of Malaria infection over the past year. Respondents were asked: In the past 12 months, how many times have you had malaria? 

From the results, the majority of respondents (66%: 26% + 19% + 10% + 5% + 6%) said they have been infected with Malaria at least once over the past 1 year while 34% of respondents said they have not had malaria in the last 12 month.

Further analysis by geo-political zones shows that Malaria is more prevalent in the South than in the North. Results show that majority of the residents in the Northern Regions; North-Central (43%) North-East (38%) and North-West (38%)) have not had malaria over the past 12 month while the Southern Regions; South-South (77%), South-East (75%) and South-West (64%) have the largest percentage of respondents who have had Malaria more than once over the last 12 months.  This disparity between geo-political zones is perhaps due to the greater presence of rivers, seas and lakes in the South where mosquitoes are prevalent; while the North is mostly land locked.

The second question was asked to ascertain how malaria is treated when respondents are infected: How do you treat malaria when you have it?  In reaction to this question, nationwide results show that the majority (44%) of the respondents visit the hospital to see a doctor when they have malaria. This is followed by 38% who simply buy medicine from the pharmacy or chemist. Furthermore, 13% said they make use of native herbs such as Dogonyaro, Agbo, Neem leaves and Lemon grass; while 4% said they do not use any medicine at all.

The poll also revealed that females are more likely to visit a hospital than males, as a greater proportion of male respondents simply visit the pharmacy to buy malaria medicines or opt for native herbs, than females. Analysis along regions shows that majority of the residents in the Southern regions self-medicate versus the Northern regions that go to the hospital.  

An in-depth view along results indicate that  the North-West has the highest proportion (71%) of respondents that claim to visit the hospital, while the South-East has the highest percentage (52%) that simply buy malaria medicine from the pharmacy also the South-West has the highest proportion of respondents (19%) that use native herbs.


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