Focus on Presidential Summit on Universal Health Coverage

This week, Nigeria's president, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GCFR) hosted the first Presidential Summit on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) - the first-of-its-kind in Africa. exclusively spoke to Dr. Joseph Ana, Chairman, Nigerian Medical Association National Committee on Clinical Governance and Research, on the summit and its outcomes. He also spoke on what impacts the summit would have on the Nigerian health sector.

What prompted the president and FMOH to convene the summit on UHC?

We hope they are motivated to call the UHC summit because of the perennial and pandemic of bad health indices for the country. Poverty and inequity is the biggest handicap to healthcare in Nigeria

How would you describe the number of participants?
Excellent attendance at both technical sessions and at the summit proper in the Villa

Who and who has been part of the Summit?

The hosts Minister and Minister of state of health of Nigeria and their relevant staff. Selecte donor partners , local and international experts on the subject matter, health workers and others

What is the possibility that the outcomes from this summit will be properly implemented in order to lead to sustainable change in the health sector?

Participants are encouraged that this is a ‘presidential summit’ the first of such level in Africa

Did the summit address some of the lingering problems and incessant strikes amongst health workers in the country?

Participants drew attention of all to the fact that there is the Yayale Presidential Committee on Disharmony. That committee should be empowered to do its job

Were primary health care providers involved in the summit?

Participants were drawn from the three tiers – primary, secondary and tertiary levels of health care

Did it also address issues related to health insurance and its accessibility to the average Nigerian?

Yes – there were three themes: Funding plus NHIS; Physical access; Quality

What are the expectations of the average Nigerian after the summit?

We believe that All Nigerians should be ambassadors for this mission – UHC- because it is pro-poor and pro-rich. It is a win-win for all 170 million Nigerians


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