Only a small fraction of African population can afford private healthcare - Oliver Kinross

Oliver Kinross, an international business research organization has revealed that a large proportion of the African population cannot afford private healthcare and rely on the public health sector.

In a chat with,Charlotte Paige-Smith, an Oliver Kinross rep said though private healthcare providers are essential to Africa's healthcare sector, only a limited number of people could be served.

"Private healthcare providers play critical roles within the healthcare sector, but can only serve the white, higher income groups, leaving the public sector to serve the lower income," she said.

She added: "Only a small amount of the population can afford private sector services.  There is such a large division in terms of affordability of private healthcare and the access of public healthcare, therefore not as many people can fund private healthcare."

Developing Africa's private healthcare sector is one of the focuses of next year's Africa Healthcare Summit 2014 organized by Oliver Kinross to be held in London. She said it would "present the future outlook and new business models for healthcare provision in Africa."

"It will also uncover development and expansion plans for private hospitals.  It will allow delegates to benefit from case study insights of a diverse range of African countries and uncover future investment opportunities in African healthcare by assessing the role of new technology in transforming African healthcare provision," she told is a media partner for the Africa Healthcare Summit 2014 


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