Many Pregnant Women In Nigeria Forget Their Clinic Days - Hugh Alies

An mHealth company, Hugh Alies has revealed that it is encouraging busy pregnant Nigerian women to stick to their clinical appointments with the aid of a mobile technology that notifies them of their next antenatal clinic appointment. 

Product Advisor, Hugh Alies, Dr. Nkiruka Orajiaka, stated this in an exclusive interview with HealthNewsNG.

She made a case for the pregnant women in the corporate world who she said have long itineraries of activities that may make it difficult for them to remember their obstetrician's appointments.

"These women have a whole lot of things going on, they have lots of schedule and a heavy workload. [They may forget] especially at the initial stages when it is usually every 4 weeks. At some point you might be wondering 'is it four weeks today or next week? I have to call the hospital to find out whether it is this week or next week.'"

"Our technology takes the stress off you by automatically calculating and scheduling the appointments for you, even when you change the appointments, we’ll still let you know that the appointment is now every two or three weeks."

Apart from the busy corporate pregnant women, she said those attending primary healthcare centers can also benefit from the service.

"From the public perspective, the women at the primary healthcare centres might not even know how often they are supposed to come for an appointment because they have lost the appointment cards they were given to remind them of when to show up. They might not even want to show up," she said.

She added that operators of health facilities will also benefit from the innovation.

She said: "These are things that help you get insight into your health facility. It also goes a long way in showing that your health facility cares about your pregnant women because by creating a system through which pregnant women can be notified of their next appointment, the facility gains more people’s trust."


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