in partnership with Restless Development, the toolkit supports youth organizations to build
national alliances and develop a national advocacy roadmap to
engage with key decision makers influential in post-2015 negotiations.
The toolkit also provides background information
about the Millennium Development Goals and the post-2015 development agenda, as
well as a timeline of critical events within the process of developing the new
"With step-by-step information on how young people can develop their
own advocacy strategy, including setting up advocacy priorities, selecting
targets, making an effective advocacy case, developing activities and designing
a road map, it shows how to conduct effective advocacy in the national context," CrowdOutAIDS posted on its official website.
In the first phase of ACT! 2015, a
youth-led initiative based on new forms of organizing using social media and
online technology, young people around the world organized community dialogued
to set advocacy priorities.
ACT 2015 is a long term youth-led
social action initiative based on new forms of organizing using social media
and online technology. It includes broad systematic support and capacity
building of youth organizations on the ground to advocate for a commitment to: ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030; and universal access to sexual and
reproductive health and rights for all young people, including harm reduction,
in the post-2015 development framework.
2015 is a long term youth-led social action initiative based on new
forms of organizing using social media and online technology. It
includes broad systematic support and capacity building of youth
organizations on the ground to advocate for a commitment to: 1) ending
the AIDS epidemic by 2030 and 2) universal access to sexual and
reproductive health and rights for all young people, including harm
reduction, in the post-2015 development framework. - See more at:
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